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An eight game winning streak and 1st place atop the AL Central leave Adam and Jeff saying Jake who? They'll discuss the tremendous run in This Week in White Sox Baseball along with the usual segments. Adam will dust off Blogenfreude and we'll hear a special message from the #1 fan. We'll end the show chock full of juicy delicious Sox Bites. Great week, long show!
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And by the way, the White Sox Examiner 2010 Trade Deadline Primer is on sale now! Written in part by White Sox blogger and all around good guy JJ Stankevitz; it is heartily endorsed by the Oral Sox Podcast.
"The White Sox are almost certainly going to be active at the trade deadline. Want to know what to look for, who's going, who's coming, and so much more? Then buy my White Sox 2010 Trade Deadline Primer!"

Click here to read more!
Excellent as always guys. It's good to finally hear someone out there get excited about this team. I was listening to the Score on the way in to work today hoping to hear about the Sox amazing run to first place, and what do I get? Some jag talking about what the Cubs can get for Ted Lilly. F THAT NOISE!
Keep it up, I can't wait for the second half.
Also, I don't know if this would interest anyone here, but if you played RBI Baseball as a kid, you can play it again online for free @ nintendo8.com. Sure beats working, and I love lighting up Bert Blylevin.
This is the second episode I've listened to and you guys are hilarious. I'm also starving for some White Sox commentary as I live out of market and work in a cubicle so I appreciate the long shows.
Coming up, I'd like to hear more about Dan Hudson and what we can expect from here on out with the pitching. Actually, following whatever happens with the Twins, I'd like to get some guidance on where fans expectations should be for the rest of the season.
Drill Ozzie Drill!
always fun to listen after an amazing week, and i love me some bloggenfreude. great show!
as for the second half, we've still got a lot of games left against both DET and MIN. if we can win enough of those, we can take this division! so awesome. let's start strong against the twins!
@Dave - F THAT NOISE indeed!
Thanks for the comments guys, yes the second half is looking crazy. Not bunji jumping in mexio crazy, but Cart Everett not believing in Dinosaurs crazy. Update on "The Club" though, heres a trailer of the show and it starts this weekend! I must say it looks crazy good. Not crazy good like Raising Arizona good, but crazy good like Raising Helen good.
Thanks for the comments guys and for the enthusiasm. Jacob, if you'd like to hear more about Dan Hudson, I'd suggest Jim at Soxmachine.com. Jim did a breakdown of his last start and he's much better at analysis (especially pitching) than Jeff or I. And yeah, David we were looking at the upcoming schedule and it is ridiculous how many times we still play both the Twins and Tigers.
And Jeff will be delighted to see F THAT NOISE being used by someone other than himself.
Jeff and I just posted comments within 5 minutes of eachother without the other knowing. We are twins.
After Tuesday's game I've gotta look on the bright side and say that if Thornton's gonna blow a game, at least it's the All-Star Game, right? It's better that he get that out of his system.
Did anyone else find it a little weird seeing he and Konerko wearing their home jerseys in a different stadium? I was staring at my TV for 5 minutes trying to figure out what was wrong with their uniforms before I realized that I'm used to seeing the pinstripes only in the context of the Cell.
Also, I'd seen the trailer for The Club a week or two ago and it got me pumped, but I don't get MLB Network either, so if anyone knows if/when/where those episodes will be showing up online or on-demand or something like that, please pass on that information.
i realize this is completely speculative...but there's no way we win that first game against the twins in the old twinkiedome, right?
yeah David, that was being said a lot on twitter and the messageboards. I think that about three of those Twins hits to the warning track would've been homeruns, and then that infield single in the 8th that Beckham stopped probably would've gotten through in the Metrodome.
Gotta love it. Plus Mauer and Morneau can't hit homeruns there either.
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